View Balance

Through your online account, you can view

any charges that you might have.

Here’s how!


WPLS borrowers may incur charges for lost and damaged materials.


While it is always possible to call or visit your local library to inquire as to whether you have charges on your account and any details associated with them, you can also access this information through your online account.

To view your account standing, begin by logging into your online WPLS account. For help doing so, click here.



Once you have logged into your account, look in the top right hand corner of the page and click on the red circle with the number.

This red circle and number pops up any time something in your account needs attention.



Next, you will be able to see the issue that requires your attention is a matter of fines. To learn more about these fines, click View Fines.



Now, you can see the specifics of the incurred charges, as detailed below.



To remedy any and all balances or if you have any questions regarding the charges, please contact your local WPLS library branch.

To view the WPLS Borrower Debt Policy, click here.

WPLS Account Login