What to Read Next

Personalized Book Recommendations

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Just finished reading a 27 book series?

Did you just leave a sprawling world that you’ve lived

in for the past 8-10 months?

In a reading rut?


What to Read Next is a book recommendation service

provided by our expert readers’ advisory staff.

It’s easy to do; just follow these steps!


Coffee Bean

What do you like?

1) Click the button below to fill out a short questionnaire.

Respond to the questions as honestly; really zero in on what you do and do not like.

The goal is to get you titles that you will enjoy.


Coffee Bean

What are you waiting for?

2) Submit the form.

Now let the anticipation build and the waiting begin.

Your recommendations will be e-mailed to you within 5-7 days.


Coffee Bean

Poof! 3 Book Recommendations

3) Check your e-mail inbox for your personalized recommendations!

After you’ve reviewed your titles, be sure to send us feedback on how we did by responding to the email.


What to Read Next

Reading Recommendation Form