Memorial Mission

 At WPLS, we feel that books can serve as living tributes to those who have gone on before us, and we are pleased to offer the Memorial Mission program as an opportunity to preserve the memory of your loved one.

Things you should know about Memorials:

  • A commemorative Memorial bookplate will be placed in the front of the book or DVD listing both the Honoree and the Donor.
  • A decorative sticker will be placed on the spine of the item to set it apart on the library shelf.
  • Your library will be enriched by your generosity.
  • You are welcome to suggest subjects that your loved one was passionate about.

If you are interested in the honoring your loved ones with a Memorial on the shelf, please print and fill out the form below.

Forms may be returned to your local library or mailed to the address listed below.

Western Plains Library System
501 S. 28th Street
Clinton, OK 73601