The Washington Post

Democracy Dies in Darkness...

Access to the Post will Change on July 3, 2023.


WPLS has been thrilled to offer access to the Washington Post.

Access to the Post will change on 7/3/2023 to going through the Major Dailies.

Click here to view The Washington Post through the Major Dailies.

1. Log in with your WPLS Library Card, and then click on “Publications”.

2. Search for the title of the newspaper for which you are looking.

1877 – Today

Having won 47 Pulitzer Prizes, the Washington Post

is one of America’s top sources of news.

Coffee Bean

The Washington Post Offers:

  • In-Library AND remote access
  • Expert reporting and analysis from Washington and around the world, including award-winning investigative coverage and editorial commentary.
  • Real-time Q&A Discussions providing a behind the scenes look at key stories.
  • Live-streaming of Washington Post Live events, where top-level government and business leaders, emerging voices and newsmakers discuss the most pressing national and global issues of the day

Remote Access

In-Library Access